This book donation/library development program would provide local educational institutions with books that are essential for the teaching and research of Architecture but too costly for most schools or scholars to afford.
You are encouraged to write a note of insight or encouragement inside the cover of the book to personalize and humanize the gift to the students. You can contribute something from your personal collection or buy a book to donate.Donations can include: Architecture, interior design, photography, engineering, art and construction books.
Your book donation will help:
- Motivate a young student to stay in school and pursue a college degree education; Raise awareness of Architecture as a career path as well as its profile to make the profession more diverse and attractive; Inspire the Architect's of tomorrow: With this program if we touch one student who will pursue a career in architecture, go on to licensure, and become an AIA member, that will make it a success.
BOOKSHELF CHAMPIONS: If you are interested in being one, please let us know.
Collections are NOW - JULY.
There will also be a collection point at the Dallas Center for Architecture (DCFA)- 1909 Woodall Rodgers Fwy., Suite 100 Dallas, TX 75201