LINC Dallas Community Charrette, Dallas CityDesign Studio

8:10:00 AM

LiA members joined the Dallas citydesign studio, key executive and city staff, city plan commissioners, design professionals, local stakeholders, and members of the community for a community charrette at City Hall this past Saturday June 2. This is what som of the attendees had to say about their experience with LINC (LINC: Leveraging & Improving Neighborhood Connections):
The public meeting on Saturday was a union of Architects, Urban Designers and the Community to improve the safety and connectivity of neighborhoods near the Trinity River to the rest of the city. The discussion consisted of the neighborhoods relationship to the river and patterns of traffic, streets and open spaces. One of the main topics of discussion was safety and opportunities for economic improvement. Each group presented a color coded map indicating areas in need of growth. 
Eric Fernandez
Saturday went very well. We had a good turnout…slightly over 100 people. LiA volunteers were a HUGE help, awesome (as usual). Antonia Rico basically ran a table. Eddie Jasso was a huge help at the registration and helping throughout the day. Benjamin Lule Hurtado interviewed people and shot video footage. And Eric Fernandez translated throughout the day for a group. They were all awesome and played a tremendous role in making sure that the day went smooth. Thank you again. Chalonda Jackson-Mangwiro, Dallas CityDesign Studio
Fue un evento muy activo entre profesionales en urbanismo/planeacion y miembros/activistas de esas comunidades afectadas. El evento comenso temprano y al mismo tiempo empeso con mucha energia, se notaba que la gente, profesionistas y residentes, querian hacer de el un buen encuentro. Como voluntario me toco grabar e intrevistar miembros de la zona C haciendoles preguntas como que veian de potencial en esta junta y que esperaban que cambiara lo mas pronto posible en su comunidad despues de este evento. Me encontre con gente nueva, profesionales y gente de la comunidad, y note que estaban dispuestos a ofrecer sus opiniones y ala misma vez dar consejos a alguien surjiendo en esta profesion. Al igual me encontre con profesionistas que ya conocia, algunos profesores, y otros/as profesionistas que se me regalaron unos minutos para conocerlos y hacerles unas preguntas sobre diversas cosas. En fin creo que el evento fue un exito para esa comuninad en particular y en lo personal tambien. Espero ser considerado para acudir de nuevo.
Benjamin Lule Hurtado

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